Aid Distributed in Lithuania
Mid-Atlantic Branch volunteers were thrilled to receive photos from Rev. Valdas Miliauskas, in Vyziai, Lithuania of some of their aid being distributed to shelters. The hearts with letters say “Thank You”. Many wonderful blessings for those in need!
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Shipment Loaded With Food and Aid for Liberia
Pastor Kollie with Lutheran AID Ministries in Liberia is anxious to receive 118,800 Kids Against Hunger meals, blankets, church accessories, bibles, choir robes, diapers, hygiene kits, feminine kits, glasses, mobility carts, medical supplies, buckets, bikes, office & school furnishings from donors & volunteers at the Wisconsin Branch in Westfield. Many blessings to be shared with…
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Aid for North Carolina Donated to OGT
Norfolk Warehouse was blessed with two trucks and a trailer filled with disaster relief supplies for N.C. from Washington & Marshall Counties in northern Kansas. Many families & schools in several towns were involved with the gathering of food, water, baby formula, rubber boots, clothing and other disaster cleaning supplies. The students at Axtell School…
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Coat and Quilt Giveaway a Success
The Way in Wingo, KY recently had a Coat & Quilt Giveaway Day that also included a free soup luncheon and Bibles for everyone. They wanted to thank OGT in Nebraska and Wisconsin Branch in Westfield for much of the quilts, coats and Bibles. The day was a success especially with one person committing to…
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Shipment of Manna Packs Delivered to Madagascar
Families in Madagascar are excited to unload 272,160 Manna Pack meals from Feed My Starving Children funded by OGT! Many blessings to feed the hungry and nourish the bodies. Praise be to God! Thank you, OGT supporters!
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140 Christmas Boxes Delivered to Wanblee South Dakota
Jane Ternus, OGT volunteer, made a trip to deliver 140 Christmas Gift boxes to Wanblee, S.D. We were able to deliver twice as many as last year so more Native American children will receive gifts and learn of the birth of Jesus, our Lord & Savior. Also delivered were cleaning & paper products as requested….
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LWML Nebraska North District Presented Donation to Orphan Grain Train
OGT’s president Rev. Ray Wilke accepted a $10,000.00 check for OGT’s Ukrainian ministry from the LWML Nebraska North District! What a blessing this gift is to support many Ukrainian families relocating to Norfolk, NE. Thank you, NE. North District LWML! Pictured L-R: Nancy Schlote, District Treasurer; Rev. Ray Wilke, OGT President; LaDonna Stanosheck, District President…
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Open House a Wonderful Success
OGT’s Lincoln Collection Center had a great turnout for their Open House last Saturday. Lunch was provided with pulled pork sandwiches, baked beans, chips, delicious homemade desserts & assorted beverages. Tours and presentations were given about everything that this location keeps busy with and about OGT. Thank you to all the volunteers that helped plan,…
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Group Delivers Linens and Pillows
WESCO OEM teams focused on a special collection of linens and pillows to be given to residents of Warrior’s Refuge – Angleton, TX in honor of Veterans’ Day this November 11th. OGT’s Houston Branch is blessed to team up with community groups and businesses in caring for those in need.
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