Partner with Local Agencies Successful
OGT’s Phoenix Branch is passionate about developing partnerships with local agencies who provide assistance to the homeless and working poor. One of these agencies is La Mesa Ministries, whose mission is to create Christ Centered Communities among the homeless and working poor that ring hope, dignity and positive life transformation. La Mesa offers weekly meals…
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Many Enjoy A Day of Fun and Fellowship
OGT’s Phoenix Branch recently participated in the Best Practices in Ministry (BPM) conference in February. We displayed information about OGT and shared the OGT story to conference attendees. There were 2,800 attendees present at the conference. BPM, which stands for Best Practices in Ministry, is a conference hosted by Christ Church Lutheran for over 10…
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Wonderful Fellowship Shared Between OGT Volunteers
Kathy Carter, OGT board member and volunteer at the Lincoln Collection Center, visited the Phoenix Branch while on a mission trip with her husband Jim. She is pictured with Jean Weber (above), Volunteer Coordinator for Phoenix and a group shot of the volunteers (below).
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Church on the Street Receives Aid
OGT’s Phoenix Branch had Pastor Rob visit their warehouse and picked up Bibles, clothing, shoes and blankets for the ministry Church on the Street in Phoenix. This organization serves thousands of homeless in Phoenix. Their largest target is the homeless and the incarcerated. Their purpose is to reach these people with the Gospel of Jesus…
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