Help Needed with Domestic Disaster Relief
Orphan Grain Train is passionate about helping hurting families devastated by natural disasters. Families in Mississippi are still living in uncertainty after homes & businesses were destroyed by tornadoes on June 19, 2023. Orphan Grain Train is working with a couple of ministries that are requesting: *cleaning supplies *diapers *paper products *laundry detergent These items…
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Ground Breaking Ceremony Enjoyed by Many
OGT’s Groundbreaking Ceremony was attended by many on Thursday, September 14, 2023. There was a short service lead by Rev. Ralph Schmidt, OGT’s Donor Advising, and Matthew 25: 31-46 was read by Pastor Chris Asbury with Grace Lutheran Church(photo above). Pastor Ray Wilke; OGT’s President and founder, gave the homily and was first to ‘break…
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Thank you N.P.P.D.
A very large, special ordered electrical pole has been carefully installed! It is being dropped in a 15’ hole by a crane, which is not shown. We are in the process of having the electrical poles taken down around the Norfolk warehouse and where the new addition is being built. As soon as this is…
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Four Home in Desperate Need in California Repaired
Earlier this year, heavy rains flooded the town of Pond in California with water levels as high as 5-6’ in homes. OGT is working with Disaster Relief Team of St. John’s Lutheran Church, Bakersfield CA and offered $8,800.00 to purchase insulation and drywall to repair four homes in desperate need. Thank you for being the…
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Grain Bins Painted
The grain bins by the Norfolk warehouse are receiving a much-needed face lift. They are being painted with the words ‘Orphan Grain Train’ painted on two sides. To reach the top portion of the grain elevator, OGT had to rent a special boom from Minnesota! The painting of the grain elevator is complete! Construction of…
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Beginning Prep to Build New Servant Center
We have broken ground for our New Servant Center!! Telephone poles will be coming down with cables being put underground. The ground is being prepared to begin construction of our 20,000 square feet addition that will connect seamlessly to the Norfolk warehouse. Thank you everyone that has supported this vision of increasing space for donations…
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Thrivent Action Team A Fun Success
During lunch on May 10th, Chris Carstens, OGT’s Inventory Manager hosted a dual Thrivent Action Team event to assemble Hygiene Kits and School Kits. It all began with towel & washcloth sets and bookbags that were gathered at the Thrivent Annual Celebration of Membership held at the SAC Museum. To this, two action team events…
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Recipient from Ukraine Visits Orphan Grain Train National Office
Vitaliy Smolin with Smolin Ministries in Ukraine visited OGT Headquarters and toured the Norfolk warehouse in Nebraska. He was in the US for other business and wanted learn more about our operation and shared conditions and needs in Ukraine. His Ministry has received 10 containers of aid from OGT since the invasion started. He is…
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Vehicle Donated Blesses Ukrainian Family
OGT recently put out a request for vehicles to be donated for Ukrainian families that relocated to Norfolk, NE. Bill and Mary Meyer were wondering what to do with their family vehicle till they heard about cars being needed. It was arranged for them to bring the car to OGT while Ihor (Igor) Vereshchak was…
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