Pastor Bresson in Texas

Recently Wisconsin Branch had 10 tons of frozen chicken delivered to different organizations along the Texas border.

OGT is on 10/11 News

Orphan Grain Train is featured on 10/11 NOW Our Town Norfolk: Orphan Grain Train. Feb. 2018

Pilger Church

The mobile chapel will be utilized by the congregation of St. John's Lutheran Church in Pilger, NE.

Jimmie Connections Interview

The University of Jamestown partnered with North Dakota Branch & provided hourly transportation from the University for students.

Philippines Devastated

Typhoon devastation, sent to us by one of our recipients distributing OGT food and relief supplies in the Philippines.

Thank You From Romania

OGT shipped 259,200 Kids Against Hunger meals to the Bread of Life in Bucharest. This is a thank you from Cecil Page, Founder.

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