
Recipients in Ukraine Receive Numerous Gifts To Help With Daily Life

OGT was able to help one of our recipients in eastern Ukraine with three generators, work lights, powerbanks, instant pots and firewood for many families living in the cities of Kramatorsk, Slavyansk and Avdivka, the Donetsk Region. Many are out of work and living in homes with occasional electricity and limited heat. The firewood is a blessing for heat. The Instant pots are helpful with cooking food quickly along with the powerbanks for quick charging of electronics to use during times of electricity. Someone was able to make home-made bread in the instant pot! There are no jobs so many cannot afford needed prescriptions. Some individuals in dire need were able to receive diabetes medicine and other necessary prescriptions. Please continue to pray for these families in Ukraine that are having to endure the horrific living conditions. Thank you, OGT supporters and donors, we could not provide these necessary items if it wasn’t for you.

Categories: International Aid

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