
Long Awaited Container for Yambio, South Sudan Arrives

What a Christmas Blessing! The long-awaited container filled with humanitarian and ecclesiastical goods from OGT’s Michigan Branch arrived in Yambio, South Sudan on Christmas Eve! Pastor Peter Anibati Abia is bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of South Sudan/Sudan (ELCSS/S) and was thrilled to receive several boxes of theological books for students of the Concordia Lutheran Institute for Holy Ministry. These were giving by Concordia Theological Seminary and Lutheran Heritage Foundation to parallel theological courses taught to men preparing for pastoral ministry in South Sudan. Also in the 40 ft. container were hundreds of boxes with various humanitarian aid & multiple tools to aid ministry students growing food. Praise be to God! Thank you, Michigan donors and volunteers, for sharing Christ’s love to many in need in S. Sudan!

Categories: International Aid

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